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John T. Reed’s news blog

McNamara’s morons during the Vietnam War, drafting the unfit to protect the elite

Posted by John Reed on

I was a lieutenant in the US Army 6/68 to 6/72—82nd Airborne Division, ranger, and a tour in Vietnam. I was shocked at many of the low-rank troops—privates, spec 4s, corporals, buck sergeants. A sentence I used then was, “I did not know people that dumb existed.” .One example: most elite 82nd Airborne troops ate in the mess hall at the end of the month but ate at fast food places at the beginning of the month. Why? They got paid on the first of the month. .They also tended to buy stereos on pay day, then hock them with...

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We need Afghanistan 1989, not D-Day 1944, in Ukraine today, contrary to Wes Clark’s op-ed

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Wes Clark has an op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal saying that Ukraine needs to do a D-Day invasion against Russian-occupied Ukraine. . When I was a freshman at West Point, Wes, then a junior, was my table commandant for a time. There were ten cadets to a table. The table commandant sat at the southern end of the table; other cadets in descending classes toward the other, north end. I thought he was movie-star handsome—not the only such cadet—and really smart. . He commanded the NATO Bosnia war which we won with just air power—a feat that armies and...

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Stop giving athletes extra credit for come-from-behind victories. When you scored is meangingless.

Posted by John Reed on

Theater, movies, TV sitcoms, TV dramas ALL fit the same format: Act 1: introduce characters and protagonist and his or her compulsion Act 2: Protagonist encounters multiple obstacles to satisfying his or her compulsion culminating in the final seemingly insurmountable obstacle Act 3: Protagonist surmounts the insurmountable obstacle and achieves his compulsion . When this cliche sequence happens in an athletic contest, fans, and media swoon. The winning protagonist—Mahomes in the Superbowl case—is treated as super human. . Bunch of BS. If you wish to measure the virtues of Mahomes or any other QB, there are plenty of metrics that...

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In Superbowl, Tony Romo incorrectly said Mahomes should have spiked the ball with :26 left in regulation.

Posted by John Reed on

I just heard Tony Romo who broadcast the Supebowl in a rebroadcast..With :26 left in regulation and the game clock running, Romo said Mahomes should spike the ball to stop the block.. No. You do not do that until :18 if you have four downs. He threw a pass at :16. That stopped the clock. Most teams spike too early..You only spike the ball when you have more downs left than time to use them. It was 2nd and 7. With :26 left, you can start, but not finish, five plays that last :06 each assuming each such play itself...

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Deflation in China; possible here? What to do.

Posted by John Reed on

China has deflation. I wrote a book on both inflation and deflation. I called deflation depression because Americans do not understand the word deflation.Are they simply opposites?.In part, yes. But not completely. In inflation, the purchasing power of the USD falls. In deflation, it rises. The best thing to own in the depression was cash, post office savings accounts, US Treasurys. Those are the WORST things to own in inflation..In inflation, it is great to OWE, not own, fixed-rate debt. It goes down in real value. In depression OWING USD-denominated debt crushes you financially..US pennies and nickels protect you from...

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